
9 Ways to Get Many commented on Facebook Fans Page

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Hi friends Facebook, which has a fan page or fan page!
Having a lot of fans in the fan page is a hope and pride for the owner of the page. Especially when the fan page is being updated status almost always get a response (comments) that many of the fans.
But in reality, getting lots of comments for the fans need business page and workable strategy, because rarely do I encounter a fan page that has tens of thousands of fans just get a response from the fans a little better than they give thumbs up to their comments that this could happen tulis.Mengapa ? It resulted from lack of creative time status updates.
For that we need a creative way so many responses Fans Page on Facebook, following 9 Ways to Get Many commented on Facebook Fans Page:
This is the key to success for any status updates many of the comments, namely:ASK, will participate by asking them to answer the question more than just the thumb alone, would make an easy question and creatively, how? Want to know? Continue reading!
1. Ask specific questions as well as unique in which they commented on the questions Example: Did you ever open up when Boker? (Hehehe. .. aja ya-there's no question).
2. Ask a question yes or no. Example: Would you like to eat meat dragons? Wooow ....!
3. Ask questions about the activities. Example, Whether you're sweeping the road or being "quoted" (take) rambutan neighbors?
4. Asked about right or wrong, "Is it true that you rarely shower when leaving for school or to work?
5. Ask a question about the photo, share a photo to upload to the page anda.Studi case, "note the two following figures, which of orangutans and real people in this photo" (xixixixi. ...)
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6. Ask fun questions, Example: What is your favorite sport?
7. Facebook provides a new feature of "Question" feature that makes it easy to create voting on the page, this will improve their response to comment. So use the features of this question for a vote on something.
8. Asking questions of choice, "when you are in school or college, whether you prefer essay questions or multiple choice?
9. This is probably the best question, who gets the most response to the commentary, ask them about "what memories or events that are not forgotten all your life?" Maybe you can give them a choice of answers to your questions like, "experience when falling in love or experience time to get a job first. "You can give them a choice about it.
9 Ways to Get Lots of comments on Facebook Fans Page above, where is the best way you think is the best and most creative ways to improve the response of the fans or do you have another answer. Please give your comments below.
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Share your swf file on Group or page

in short without the URL you are able to post your swf file to your group or page
The following dialogue

Code: Comment with a flash and emojis url [no short]
priview:!/groups/wong. … 4155354395
or!/groups/roy.b … 2623661908

sample dialogue: … cucan.html

but unfortunately could post emojinya belom wii ....

create more good We hope to complete this trick .. thank you
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Want your status on liking your friend with one click?

ote : ini cuma status yg di gunakan buat hiburan,cz yg like
gak beneran :D&_rdr&action_links=[{'text':'5.275 orang men
yukai ini','href':'http:\/\/'}]

status and their effect on the like 5275 we friend ...

do not believe? it looks … 9064020637

Please edit the code again might make other purposes,
so ..... times wrote helpful and thank you
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Eliminate ads difacebook


to run this script .....

facebook ads first install it on each computer you ...

GreaseMonkey khusus untuk Firefox

GreaseMonkey khusus untuk IE 

if already, make sure the bottom right corner there is grease monkey icon it ..

preview: create firefox users who
Spoiler :
klo already installed, go to HERE>> cLIcK

Spoiler :
.. click on INSTALL and refresh your facebook ...
rather, make a cut down his load .. xixixixii
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Create Fake Facebook Convos

Just sign up / register on this site


Facebook -:

Website -:
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Facebook Bot Like,Unlike & Comment Bot

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:



*Auto Jempol
*Auto Komen Status
*Auto Unlike Status
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Cara Update Status Via Blackberry New version

Berhubung sekarang lagi nge-trend pakek ponsel Blackberry, oleh karena itu saya mau berbagi sedikit trik rahasia yang bisa di lakukan oleh beberapa orang yang tidak memakai BB.
Trik nya disini adalah menggunakan Blackberry Simulator, dan juga kita memakai alternatif lain yaitu JAVA.

Download dulu semua bahan-bahannya :

   1. Download BlackBerry_Email_MDS_4.1.2.17.exe.
   2. Download BlackBerry_Simulators_6.0.0.141_9800.exe.
   3. Download jdk-6u21-windows-i586.exe.

InsTall :
1. Buka Folder BlackBerry_Simulators_6.0.0.141_9800, klik kanan Open pada aplikasiBlackBerry_simulator_6.0.0.141_9800.exe

2. Klik tombol Next hingga halaman lisensi.
3.Pilih I accept, dan klik tombol Next hingga halaman instalansi.
4. Pada halaman instalasi klik Install, dan biarkan proses berjalan
5. Klik Finish setelah proses selesai.

Selesai ? belum!.Kita harus menginstall aplikasi pendukung Windows untuk menjalankan JAVA.Ini akan membuat Simulator berjalan berdasarkan program JAVA.

1.Klik kanan Open pada jdk-6u21-windows-i586.exe.
2.Pada tiga halaman berikutnya, klik Next.
3.Setelah proses instalasi, klik Finish.
4. Klik kanan Open pada BlackBerry_Email_MDS_4.1.2.17.exe.
5. Pilih I accept, dan klik tombol Next hingga halaman instalasi.
6. Klik Install pada halaman instalasi.
7. Proses selesai, kolik tombol Finish.
8. Buka menu Start > All Programs > Research In Motion >BlackBerry Email and MDS – MDS.
9.Jika ada jendela Security alert, klik Unblock (jika anda pengguna WIndows 7, Klik Aloow Access).
10. Jendela MDS akan muncul, klik minimize.
11. Buka menu start > all programs > research in motion > blackberry smartphone simulator – – 9800.

12.Jika ada jendela security alert, klik unblock (bagi pengguna Windows 7 klik Allow Access).
13. Tunggu loading simulator selesai, klik oK.
14. Pilih menu view > graphics accel> eration> off.

15. Klik menu blackberry > open tray.
16. Pilih, dan klik manage cennections.
17. Pastikan ada tanda centang pada kedua pilihan koneksi.

18. Klik menu Blackberry >open tray > facebook.
19. Lalu masukkan e-mail dan password user kemudian klik login.

20. Coba anda ketikkan Status anda pada kolom What’s On Your Mind, klik Share.

21. Buka Browser Mozilla atau Internet Explorer anda, Login ke Account Facebook anda dan masuk Profile, dan lihat status baru anda.
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